The Morning Routine 

A morning routine can be a great way to start the day. It allows us to prepare for what’s coming and can help us to be structured with our productivity. It also gives us time for ourselves. Over the last few years I have been using a morning routine and have found it to be one of the most life-changing things I have ever done. It’s had such a profound impact on my life that I feel it deserves a bit of attention in this blog. 

 My morning routine has changed and evolved over time but the core principles and elements have stayed relatively consistent. I try to get up early (5amish), do some exercise, meditate, read and write. I’ve added other things along the way and dropped certain things that haven’t been working for me. It’s fluid and I’m constantly tweaking it depending upon what’s going on in my life. 

 This is what mine looks like at the moment: 

 1. Wake up

2. Exercise

3. Cold shower

4. Meditate

5. Write/read/project

6. Normal day beings

 This is the routine that I try to follow as much as possible. Sometimes I won’t be able to make it happen so I will then go for a short version of the above. I aim to stick to this eighty percent of the time. Sometimes it slips but that’s fine. That’s life! Aiming to hit this morning routine as much as possible is my goal and I find that I always feel great coming out of it. 

 Knowing that I’ve achieved something for me before the “normal” day has started is incredibly satisfying. It’s all too easy to neglect myself when I am busy and I can end up putting myself last. I find that ensuring that I stick to my morning routine allows me to address this problem. When exceptionally busy, it’s even more important for me to make sure that I do this routine. 

 Everyone’s morning routine is bound to look different but that’s the point. It should be a time that reflects our goals and is a great way for us to work towards them. I’d love to know if you have a morning routine, what it looks like and what it has done for you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 

If you win the morning, you win the day.
— Tim Ferriss