Being open is the key to breaking the mental health stigma 

In my opinion, we should all be more honest and open about our mental health. The more we speak openly without fear of being judged, the more that people will realise that they can also share their experiences. When everyone starts talking, the stigma starts crumbling before our eyes. We are all in the same boat. We are all human.

Every single person on this planet has the potential to experience challenges with their mental health and it’s important that we remember this. Mental health issues can manifest in many different ways, so educating ourselves on what this will look like for different people is essential. The best way for this education to spread is by everyone being open and talking about their mental health freely. It might feel hard to open up about something so personal but it’s not something to be ashamed of. This is an aspect of human nature that should not be a taboo. It’s something that can affect all of us and something that we should not be afraid to talk about.

Everyone will experience physical health problems at some point in their lives so why would it be a surprise to experience mental health problems? We wouldn’t think twice about going to the hospital after slicing our hand open with a bread knife... So why should or would we resist talking about our feelings and minds to someone who can help us? The simple act of sharing our thoughts can make us feel lighter.

If you are worried about your mental health, the first thing you need to do is talk to someone about it. It is not weak to speak about your mental health. It requires strength. This small step can make an incredible difference. This is the first step in turning things around. Never suffer in silence. 

I believe that we should support each other and never be afraid of what others will think about us for talking about our mental health. We are making the world a more understanding place by raising awareness of an often neglected part of human existence. We need more people to share their experiences. We need more voices. Times are changing and I’m excited to see what happens over the next few years with the dialogue on mental health. Be part of the change and share your story!

 What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, and more unashamed conversation.
— Glenn Close